The Doctoral Degree Coach is your guide to completing your doctoral degree.


To help support your journey, we’ve broken your doctoral research down into manageable and sequential steps. You’ll be able to track your journey from coursework to completion of your doctoral research – no more guesswork. This includes:

  • Easy-to-understand checklists to see what’s ahead at-a-glance
  • Timeline progression to help you know where you are at and what’s next
  • Goals to track your milestones as you progress

Stay aware of last week and start planning your next one.

You won’t have to start from scratch if you’ve had a hectic weekend—the Doctoral Degree Coach™ can provide updates and highlights sent right to your inbox. Know what you did, where you’re at and where to focus in the future, just like that.

One-stop for everyone.

During your dissertation or capstone process, your Chair will have easy access to guide you through your checklists, goals and timelines you have so you can tackle the next goal faster.

Photo of faculty instructor

All the resources you’ll need, when you need them.

Each to-do includes materials to help you check it off the list. If you need further assistance, questions can be answered without all the searching–visit our resource glossary to get support from the right person, at the right time.

See how your Doctoral Degree Coach can impact your progress today.

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